


NameName of the person, displayed throughout the Saago
RoleRole defines a group of permissions applicable to the user within Saago
PhonePhone number that is displayed next to the name of the user throughout Saago
EmailEmail address that is displayed next to the name of the user throughout Saago

Specifications (Custom fields)

General purpose 'free form' fields that require defining the field 'name' and 'value'.

  • Contract type
  • Departament
  • Region


Following are the 4 predefined roles that are automatically created upon registration.

AdminHas access to everything. Can invite users and configure organization settings. Is allowed to schedule work orders for other users
ManagerCan only view data that is related to them. Admin has to explictly link these users with assets to provide them visibility. Can not assign work orders
TechnicianIs limited to 'work' view and can only see work orders assigned to them
ClientIs limited to viewing tasks, issues and properties that are linked to them and additionally is only permitted to view the summaries on tasks (No net-cost values etc)

Roles may be added and modified based on your requirements, please contact us at
Alternatively roles may be added via REST API


Currently Saago supports 80 permissions (for different operations that the user can perform) that can be combined into roles.

Absence periods

  • When adding a absence period, the work orders that fall within that period of time are set as 'On hold' and the responsible user is notified.
  • During the absence period, no work is planned for that period. If another user assigns them a task nontheless, it is scheduled on the time when the person returns.
Start dateStart date of the absence period
End dateEnd date of the absence period
DescriptionFree form field to add notes about the absence period. Eg. "Sick leave"


  • Schedule is defined by a pattern of off/on work time.
  • The pattern will repeat indefinitely and generate a work schedule. Set the desired leisure time at the end of the pattern from the last work time to the first work time

Schedule settings

Include national holidaysIf toggled, then national holidays are deducted from 'available' work time and no work is planned for the holidays
Include shortened workdaysIf toggled, then shortened workdays are accounted for and are deducted from 'available' work time.

User settings

Login redirect routeOn user log-in the user is redirected to specified view
Max visible days of work ordersNumber of days that the work orders are displayed in the 'work' view
Automate issue to taskAutomatically create a task when the user receives an issue
Issue task to work orderAutomatically create a work order from an issue task to the user. (User must be able to receive work orders)
Skip work order confirmation stepDisable work order confirmation step for the user. Also skips the digital signature step