Name | Description |
Earliest start | Earliest possible start date/time for the task. |
Deadline | Date/time to consider the task overdue. |
Task duration | Expected duration of the task. |
Estimated start | Saago accounts for employee's work load, schedule, sick leaves (absence periods), national holidays and travel distances and calculates the expected start time |
Estimated end | Estimated start + Task duration. NB: May be over multiple days and skips absence periods. |
Task priority
- Sets the task deadline by adding 'expected completion in' value to current time (rounded up by step of 15 minutes).
- Low, Medium and High priorities are added by default upon registration, may be changed or removed.
- Can be configured via organization settings.
Name | Description |
Name | Display name of the priority (Human readeable format preferably) |
Abberviation | Short form name that is displayed as icon |
Level | Priority level in numeric format, planning and scheduling is based on 'groups' of priority. Higher values are priorized higher when scheduling tasks for execution |
Expected completion in | Unit of time that is added to current time to set the deadline for the task |
Status (Life-Cycle)
Tasks follow a life-cycle throught predefined stages (State machine). Every status change must fulfill certain conditions to occur. This design guarntees the correctness and cohesiveness of the data.
Task stages
Status | Description |
Open | Task has been created but no further action has been taken |
Scheduled | Task that has been scheduled by assiging a work order to one or multiple workers, estimated start time is known |
In Progress | One or multiple work orders is currently in progress |
In Review | All of the related work orders have been completed and forwarded for review |
Confirmed | Act has been created and sent to accounting for review. Sales invoice has not been sent to accounting software |
Invoiced | Act is marked as invoiced |
Closed | Task has been closed without invoicing the client |
On Hold | Obstruction occured while performing the related work order and task requires input from the responsible user |
Canceled | Task has been canceled/deleted. There is no permanent delete supported in Saago |
Task flow (Configuration)
Task can be configured to skip life-cycle stages, removing the need for manual review.
These configurations only apply if all activities were completed succesfully and all the required measurements are present.
Option | Description |
Required | All of the task stages are required |
Skip & close | If task has been completed succesfully, then it is closed automatically |
Skip & create task act | If task has been completed succesfully, then its confirmed automatically and the act is sent to accounting for review |
Related users
Relation | Description |
Assignee | Person that must perform the next action to progress the task. |
Confirmer | Person that confirms the task after task has been succesfully completed. |
Technicians | People that perform the task. |
Creator | Person that created the task, is automatically set as assignee and confirmer |
Task billing
Task category
- Task category is used to resolve the most applicable pricing rule.
Please read this for further information on how to configure pricing rules. - Additionally task category is used to group tasks for analytics.
Billing type
Name | Description |
Price list | Hourly rate is multiplied by worked time (after rounding), includes products and call out fee's |
Price offer | Worked time is not billed, only services and products are invoiced |
Contractual | Nothing is billed, the task is priced at 0. (Assumption that the work is billed outside of Saago's ecosystem) |
Billable rows
- If billing type is price list, then only product rows may be added.
- If billing type is price offer, then either product or service rows may be added.
Either of type PRODUCT or a SERVICE.
Classification is important for accounting to split revenue by type.
Name | Description |
Inventory article | Predefined article, upon selection fills all the following fields. Optional |
Description | Name of the product or the service - Displayed to the client on the invoice |
Unit | Free form text to specifiy the unit |
Quantity | Number of units, decimal value, rounded to 2 decimals |
Net cost | Internal value, Profit is determined by subtracting net cost from the price |
Price | Unit price, rounded to 2 decimals. Client will be billed based on this value |
Billable work time
Name | Description |
Hourly rate | Hourly rate is multiplied by 'total time' spent on task to calculate the 'total work time cost' |
Call-out fee | Call-out fee is added as additional charge on top of the 'total work time cost' to obtain the 'total time cost' |
Deducted work time | This time is deducted from 'total time' (Call-out fee may inlcude x units of work) |
VAT percentage | Applicable VAT percentage (Configured globally in organization settings) |
Time tracking
- Earliest start time defines the 'task started at time'.
- Latest start time sets the completion date/time of the task.
- All of the 'billable' units of work are summed and displayed as 'total time'.
Name | Description |
Start time | Set by the technician performing the work order by starting logging time. May be manually added or modified |
Duration | Set by the technician performing the work order by finishing work order. May be manually added or modified |
User | Person that is assosciated with the unit of work. Analytics module distributes generated revenue proportionally between all the related people and calculates the effective hourly rates accordingly |
Comment | When manually logging time, the user is required to specify the reason |
Billable | If true, the unit of work is billed, otherwise it is only used for analytics. When billing type is set to price offer, this value defaults to false |
Requires confirmation | If untoggled, acts as a shorthand for quickly closing the task. Otherwise, whenever the task state permits, the status is progressed to 'In review' |
Rounding rules
- The time added due to the rounding of the technician's logged time is distributed proportionally based on the employee's time contribution.
- The minimum work duration and rounding step are set in the organization settings.
Setting | Description |
Min. task duration | Minimum billable time, any 'total work time' less than is rounded up |
Task time step | Rounding step after 'total work time' has surpassed Min. task duration |
Related 'clients'
Relation | Description |
Client | Person or a company that is billed for the task |
Contractor | Person or a company to whom the task is outsourced to |
Subsidiary | Person or a company that is related to the task indirectly |
Work record (PDF)
- Downloadable and fully customizeable.
- Act PDF template field enables to set client specific work record.
- All of the 'related' files are directly accessible via the task files component.
- Files are organized into the folders based on relation type.
- If there are multipe related items of the same type then files are grouped into a parent folder.
- File tree supports navigation to explore the subfolders in depth.
- File access is limited by user's permission and relations to other entities.
Name | Description |
General | Files and images describing the task or required to perform the task |
Work log | Files and images that were adding while performing the task by the technician. (May include images before the work was started or images of the solution) |
Obstruction | Images that were added as 'justification' for being unable to perform the task at scheduled time |
Issue | Files or images that were added by the client when they reported the issue |
Property | Files or images that are attached to the property. Eg. Floor plans |
Device | Files or images that are attached to the device. Eg. Service manuals, technical specifications |
System | Files or images that are attached to the system. Eg. Blueprints, diagrams |
Schedule | (Service agreement) - Files attached to the service agreement that the tasks is assosciated with |
Client | Files attached to the company. Eg. Contracts, meeting memos |
Subsidiary | Files attached to the company. Eg. Contracts, meeting memos |
Contractor | Files attached to the company. Eg. Contracts, meeting memos |
Task comments
Saago aims to provide a single communication channel for all the information required to effecively execute and share all the information with all the related parties.
We achieve this by combining all the 'comments' into a comprehensive view over:
- Clients and sub-contractors
- Related price offers
- Related buildings and devices
- Related tasks and previous work
- Related issues
When a comment is added to our system, we notify all the related parties about the freshly added comment.
Related parties are determined automatically based on previous history and relations between within the system.
Comment types
Name | Description |
Internal | Internal information exchange. Comments are explicitly treated as internal and therefore not visible to members of other organizations. |
Public | Comments that are shared with clients or subcontractors. |
Warning | Subtype of comments that are marked as important for the upcoming client communication or must be conveyed on task execution. |
User's who's role permits adding comments can freely do so but one must take into the account a restriction of not being able to modify or delete comments created by others.
Work order
- Task may have multiple work orders.
- Work order is assigned to the person responsible for executing the task
- Work order fields are inherited from the task but may be overridden by changing desired values.
Name | Description |
Technician | Person that is required to perform the task |
Earliest start date | Date/time that the technician is allowed to start the task at (Not before this date/time) |
Due date | After this date/time the work is classified as overdue |
Duration | Planned duration (Expected duration) - Default 1 hour |
Placement priority | Initially based on task priority level, but may be overwritten to either priotize the work higher or lower |
Placement boundary | If toggled, the task is only scheduled within the technician workdays, otherwise may be scheduled outside of the work day boundaries |
Name | Description |
Work load | Calculated based on the estimated start time across all available workers where earliest start time has highest score and latest has the lowest. Scores are further adjusted by evaluating the persons' unplanned work time (based on schedule) within provided time period - Workers with more available time are scored higher |
Category | Workers who most frequently perform tasks within given task category are given higher scores |
Location | Workers who have already performed tasks on given property are preferred over those who have not. Additionally, the geographic region of the assignment is evaluated for upcoming tasks and workers with upcoming work in this region are given a higher score |
Personal history | Based on personal assignment history. Workers who you assign work orders most to are often given a higher score than other |
Task history | Relation to this task specifically. When work on the task has started, workers that have already contributed are given a strongly higher score than others |
Work order can not be completed and requires input from the task's assignee.
- Task status is set as 'On Hold'.
- Work order is unassigned from the technician.
- Related users are notified of the event.
- Technician may add files or images.
- Techician must provide a comment.
Work order can not the performed at current date/time but it's possible to continue at a later date/time.
May also be used to switch between work order in case of an emergency that requires the workers immediate attention.
- Task remains in the 'Scheduled' status.
- Related users are notified of the event.
- Current work order is set as inactive (or deleted if no time has been logged - Does not delete the assignement history).
- New work order is created at the specified date/time.
Name | Description |
Select date & time | Select the date and time that you wish to postpone the work order to |
Duration | Alter the expected duration if applicable (When work was partially completed) |
Comment | Provide the reason for postponing the work order |
Reporting an issue
Technician identified an issue that should be followed by a price offer or requires client's attention.
- Creates a new task in 'Open' status at the same location.
- Links the newly created task to the task that the work order was related to.
- Related users are notified of the event.
Work plan (Activities / Checklist)
- Work plan consist of multiple activities.
- Activities form a checklist for the technician performing the task to complete.
- Activities can be optionally included in the Work record or the Maintenance log
Name | Description |
Title | Display name of the activity |
Completed | Boolean value of true/false and NULL (Value is missing) if unstarted |
Completed by | Last entry of the 'completion log', user responsible for the change |
Completed at | Last entry of the 'completion log', date/time of the last change |
Comment | Comment provided by the user (Mandatory if completed if false) |
Order number | Activities are ordered interally by the order number field |
Type | Activities are categorized into subtypes, which define different behaviours |
Activity types
- If an acitivity does not have any sub activities then the user is presented with a mandatory selection of either 'Completed' or 'Can't complete'.
- Measurement activity type requires the number input to be filled, otherwise treated as 'Not completed'.
- If an activity was marked as 'Can't complete' then the comment must be provided.
- If a measurement is added, then the parent activity is treated as a group of measurements an no sub activities other than additional measurements may be added.
Name | Description |
Activity | If has sub activities then treated as a group, otherwise is a checklist item with a mandatory selection of either 'Completed' or 'Can't complete' |
Measurement | Activity may group one or multiple measurements, provides a number input for the technician |
Property | If 'property' related to the task has sub-properties, then it's possible to define activities relative to subproperty/device/system. All of the activities below the 'Property' node will be added to specificied 'property's maintenance log. Additionally displays address and tags. Files related to the subproperty become visibile under the files section |
Product | Adds a billable row of type 'PRODUCT' to the task |
Service | Adds a billable row of type 'SERVICE' to the task |
Activity templates
- Predefined activity templates that may be re-used to quickly generate the work plan.
Task type (Internal)
NB: These values can not be changed by the user. Saago uses these values internally to group tasks.
Name | Description |
Order | All the tasks that have been created by the user manually |
Issue | Task is linked to an issue |
Scheduled | Task is generated automatically based on service agreement |
Outsourced | Task has been forwarded to a subcontractor |