Companies module should be viewed as a contact book for clients and contractors and other related parties.
Companies can be further classified by either type of 'COMPANY' or 'PERSON'.
A company / person may have different roles depending on the context of the situation, therefore the 'role' (Client, Contractor, Subsidiary) can not be defined on company level.
Adding a company or a person
Name | Description |
Name | Name of the company as per company registry or custom |
Type | Classifier of either 'COMPANY' or 'PERSON' |
Registry code | Registry code, may be used to match data with 3rd party services (Integrations). Not required for the 'PERSON' type |
Location | Company registry address |
Tax country | ISO-3166 country code |
Vat number | VAT registry number |
Billing email | Email used for invoicing |
Payment terms | Additional company specific payment terms that may be added to invoices |
Status | If 'active' then appears in the search results when linking to other entities such as task or price offer |
Linked assets
List of properties where company is set as related 'client'. Read more
Linked tasks
List of tasks where company is set as related 'client'. Read more
Linked price offers
List of price offers where company is set as the 'client'.
Pricing per company
Check the following link to configure company specific pricing rules Read more