Module Overview

Module overview

DashboardCentral view of all your issues and tasks sorted by status
AnalyticsAnalyse data sorted by technician, property, client or task category among other options
Work ordersView to see next work orders on your schedule, start and finish work orders
Plans tasksAllows you you see and change the schedules with an option to reassign all work orders from one person to another
TasksCreate new tasks, get an overview of all your tasks or create custom searches based on your needs
IssuesCreate new issues, get an overview of all your issues or create custom searches based on your needs
ActsCreate an act from any of your tasks along with client signature
SchedulesCreate automated maintenance schedules for your properties and devices based on contractual obligations
PropertiesAdd all the properties (including systems and devices) along with related data to start collecting property history. You can also create maintenance and work logs for any of your propertie
ClientsAdd all your clients along with their contracts. Import the data from e-Business Register or from your accounting software
UsersAdd new users to Saago. Saago has 4 predefined roles: admin, manager, technician and client. The access rights and permissions for all these roles can be customised based on your company needs
Price offersCreate a trackable and reusable price offer which can be easily turned into a work order once accepted
InventoryCreate an inventory which allows technicians to add articles to their work orders. Saago can also be integrated with a real inventory
TagsCreate tags for your properties, tasks and users to organize and search the data effectively
TemplatesTemplates are not a stand-alone module and it can be reached through tasks, schedules and price offers. Templates can be used to create new work plans for tasks, schedules and price offers

PS! Not all modules are accesible by default. If you are interested in any of the modules, please get in touch via e-mail