The primary purpose of the tag system is to organize and search the data effecively.
Tag types
Name | Description |
Task category | Categories for grouping tasks, used for automation in pricing rules and service agreements |
Asset category | Used to categorize assets. Eg. Device model, Device type, Construction year |
Article category | Primarely used for inventory management and inventory article classification |
User category | Primarely used for grouping users by departament or skills |
Informative | General purpose tags, that can be added either to acts or issues |
Task category
- Pricing rules are resolved based on task category.
- Service agreements schedule and merge tasks based on task category hierachy.
- Price offer requires defining the task category for analytics and to convert the price offer to one or multiple tasks.
- Analytics module allows to analyze the workload by task category.
Specifications (Custom fields)
- General purpose 'free form' fields that require defining the field 'name' and 'default value'.
- Whenever an entity that supports 'specifications' is tagged, the fields are inherited.
- All the files added to the tag will be available to whomever is performing a task.
Eg. Device -> Manual or technical specifications
Tag tree (Hierarchy)
Tags can be organized into hierarchies.
- When using a 'parent' tag filter, all the child tags are included in the search results.
- When adding a 'child' tag to an entity that supports 'specifications', the 'specifications' of it's 'parent' are also inherited.
Tag:Door -> Has specifications for width and height
Tag:Eletrical Door -> Has specifications for motor type.
Tag:Eletrical Door is the child of Tag:Door
Whenever Tag:Eletrical Door is used on an asset.
The assets inherits specifications for width, height and motor type.