Issue settings

Issue settings

  • Saago provides 14 predefined issue types.
  • Issue forwarding rules may be configured by issue type.
  • Issues are converted to tasks using predefined settings.
  • Every issue type may be configured with different settings.
  • Issues may automatically be converted to tasks and assigned as work orders. Read more

Issues are classified by type to simplify the issue reporting proccess for the clients using the client portal.

Predefined task fields

Task categoryApplies pricing rules according to task category's configuration
Task prioritySets the task deadline based on 'expected completion in' time of the task priority
Task confirmationSets whether the tasks should be manually reviewed or may progress to the next task life-cycle stage
Set task deadline from issue receival dateTask deadline is calculated based on the receival date/time of the issue, otherwise uses current date/time
ActiveIf true, the client portal displays specified type as an available option for the issue reporter to choose from

Forwarding rules

OrderOrder in which the specified forwarding should apply. Lower order numbers are evaluated first
RoleProperty to user relation role name, that the forwarding rule applies to
DescriptionNotes and comments, only displayed within settings view